What if...

we felt supported by our community and nature around us to explore motherhood with pleasure as our guiding principle?


Birth Doula

Anaïs draws on her training, and experience to provide the birthing family with emotional support, physical comfort, and informational support before, during, and immediately after birth. 

Postpartum Doula

The postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester, is a major time of transition for you, your body, and your family. A postpartum doula is a key person to have in your support network — easing and empowering you through this transformative time.

Night Nanny

As a night nanny, Anaïs provides care for the baby while the parents get some much-needed rest. Night nannies offer the gift of sleep, allowing for time to heal and restore intimacy with your partner.

From our Mamas

Hiring Anais as your birth doula is the best thing you can do for yourself during birth and for postpartum healing both physically and mentally.


I could not have done my delivery had I not had my doula, Anaïs, by my side, especially this being my first birth. 

St. Croix, V.I.

 Please continue to serve other women during such a life changing time of life and death, because you were born for this.

First Time Mom
Virgin Islands

When I feel loved, supported and cared for, I'm able to better take care of myself and show up and care for my little boy. 

Des Moines, IA

I thought a doula was a luxury, not a necessity but you have totally changed my thinking of what a doula is and can be... having a doula sure makes that road a hell of a lot easier.

St. Croix, V.I.

During my first birth I did not have a doula and for my second I had Anaïs by my side. This gave me great means for comparison. I just wish I could go back in time to have a doula for my first(baby).

Virgin Islands

 It amazes me how dedicated Anaïs was during my birth. She was able to serve me, guide me, and in a sense be the human form of an epidural-my pain reliever both mentally and physically.

Virgin Islands

I discovered that if I am properly supported in my birthing experience that I can do it! 

St. Croix, V.I.